
Opening Times:-

Wed - Thrs: 12 PM - 8PM

Friday-Sunday: 10 AM - 8PM

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Discover Our Story

Restaurant Brazas Portugal opened its doors in 2010 with in-dining serving authentic Portuguese delicacies on wood charcoal grill. During this time, the restaurant would serve traditional Portuguese desserts as well. Along with our Famous Portuguese Chicken, our Portuguese desserts became increasingly popular. The Covid pandemic was a challenging time for many businesses but at the same time was a revelation for us. We came to realize how important life is, especially quality of life and spending more time with loved ones. The decision was made to remain as a takeout restaurant service. As we continued to have many requests for our delicious Portuguese desserts and therefore the idea of opening a pastry shop within the restaurant came to fruition! Les Gâteries Brazas Portugal officially opened on December 3, 2022. Our clients can now order and pick up dinner and dessert at the same time!


Our Popular Portuguese Desserts
